Preview: Music and Academia (In or Out) interview series

I’ve been able to keep up a good rhythm of blog posts since I started last year, until the last month. My way of working has been to put in some time and generate a number of posts, then schedule them in advance. Between our baby, work, side work, and writing a paper, I’ve had to neglect this blog.

But I have something really interesting in the works. So far, I’ve tried to use this blog to provide advice and ideas for music/composition career. Many people want to go into academia (and I work within it), so I have had that slant.

What I thought would be interesting next is to hear from other people. I put out a very informal call on Facebook to interview folks in the following categories:

  • recently landed a tenure-track position
  • recently earned tenure
  • decided to leave academia
  • earned a doctorate and are either still trying or have decided not to pursue academia

It’s my hope that their stories will shed some light for what to do, and what to be aware of, regarding academic jobs in music. Look for these interviews in the coming weeks!

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