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Quick advice for composers: bios, CVs, websites

Posted on July 1, 2020

Welcome back to the blog! This is my second post, and I’ve started planning out a lot more. In doing so, I think I’ve figured out what this blog will be “about.” While I’ll post about my creative work from time-to-time, a lot of my posts are going to be tips and thoughts about careers in composition and higher ed. Recently, I was invited to talk on two (virtual) panels at the Charlotte New Music Festival (I used to beRead More

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Out with the Twitter, in with the Blog

Posted on June 25, 2020

Everybody’s making logs and pods When the pandemic hit, it seemed like everyone and his brother started making vlogs or podcasts. I had considered making one as well—kind of like movie commentary tracks about my own compositions. But with that enormous collective urge to vlog, I began rethinking that project. I’ve also been thinking a lot about social media over the years. Not only the phenomenon itself, but my consumption of it. Like many people, I’m addicted. It’s part ofRead More

Welcome and thanks for checking out my work! -adam

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